
8 unusual facts about AusAid

Bob Stensholt

Since discontinuing his religious studies Stensholt primarily worked in various roles with the Australian Public Service in Canberra, most notably as Assistant Director-General of Australia's overseas aid program, AusAID.

Consumer council of Fiji

The Council receives an annual grant from the Government and supplements the grant with funds from donor agencies such as the European Union and Australian aid agency, AusAID.

Don Bosco Training Center

The institution was initiated and largely financed by the South Australian Government’s Austraining International and AusAID in partnership with Salesians in East Timor, the Australian Salesian Mission Overseas Aid Fund and East Timor’s SEFOPE – the government agency responsible for vocational training and employment.

Judicial System Monitoring Programme

It is funded by a range of international donors including AusAID, USAID, NZAID, The Asia Foundation, the United Nations and by individual supporters around the world.


OceansWatch does not yet receive annual financial contributions from organizations like AusAID, USAID, or NZAID although the work done by OceansWatch is eligible for contributions under grant programs provided by these organizations.


Educational partnerships in 2010/2011 include a multimedia library and international youth exchange project funded by AusAID, and Skateistan's Youth, Arts, Peace!

Water supply and sanitation in Indonesia

AusAID's support is in the form of grants for technical assistance to the Water Supply and Sanitation Policy Formulation and Action Planning Project (WASPOLA) of the World Bank's Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), as well as to the Second Water and Sanitation for Low-Income Communities program (WSLIC2), also funded mainly by the World Bank.

The World Bank's Water and Sanitation Program in collaboration with the AusAID-funded Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative (INDII), the Ministry of Public Works, and Directorate of Public Private Partnership Development of the National Development Planning Agency provide technical assistance to the CBOs.


AusAID | AusAid |

Humanitarian Crisis Hub

Throughout the evening, attendees (including representatives from the office of the Member for Melbourne Adam Bandt, and representatives from AusAID, Oxfam Australia, Amnesty International Australia and World Vision Australia) were treated to extraordinary performances from refugee and migrant communities from West Papua, Eritrea, India and South Sudan.

Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition

At the September United Nations Summit on the Millennium Development Goals in New York, AusAID, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Dfid and USAID adopted the 100 million metric as a cornerstone of their International Alliance for Reproductive, Maternal and Newborn Health.

Union of Agricultural Work Committees

UAWC receives funding from numerous western governments and aid organisations including the European Commission, World Vision Australia, AusAID, and FAO.

In February 2012, both World Vision Australia and AusAid were accused of having provided "financial aid to a Gaza-based terrorist group," the (UAWC), which Shurat HaDin (The Israel Law Center) alleged is a "front for terror group the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine."

see also