After the War he became a lawyer in Vienna, went into politics and served as a member of the National Council of Austria from 1949 to 1953 for the Austrian People's Party.
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Andreas Khol (born July 14, 1941, in Bergen, Germany) is an Austrian politician of the center-conservative Austrian People's Party, President of the National Council from 2002 to 2006.
The majority of people who immigrated at that times were Swiss, German, Hungarian, Austrian, or Romanian.
Count Franz Deym (23 August 1838 at Neuschloss, Hohenelbe (now Dolní Olešnice, Vrchlabí) – 3 September 1903 at Eckersdorf, Glatz (now Bożków, Kłodzko)) was an Austrian diplomat.
Franz Joseph Andreas Nicolaus Unger (30 November 1800 in Gut Amthof near village Leutschach in Styria, Austria – 13 February 1870 in Graz) was an Austrian botanist, paleontologist and plant physiologist.
Apart from the five parties present in the municipal council – the Austrian People's Party, the Social Democratic Party of Austria, the Communist Party of Austria, the Freedom Party of Austria and the Greens – The Green Alternative – the Alliance for the Future of Austria also contested the election.
Rhodizonic acid was discovered by Austrian chemist Johann Heller in 1837, by analyzing the products of heating a mixture of potassium carbonate and charcoal.
Urostealith is a fatty or resinous substance identified by the Austrian chemist J. F. Heller in 1845 as the main constituent of some bladder stones.