In India, autofiction has been associated with the works of postmodernTamil writer Charu Nivedita.
Catherine Millet's 2002 memoir The Sexual Life of Catherine M. famously used autofiction to explore the author's sexual experiences.
Autofiction is principally a genre associated with contemporary French authors, among them: Christine Angot, Marguerite Duras, Guillaume Dustan, Alice Ferney, Annie Ernaux, Hervé Guibert, Olivia Rosenthal, Anne Wiazemsky, and Vassilis Alexakis.
In 1997 she defended her doctoral thesis “Autofiction and tragic irony in the works of Georges Perec, Michel Leiris, Serge Doubrovsky, and Hervé Guibert” under the direction of Francis Marmande.