
4 unusual facts about Automatism


Automatic writing, the process, or product, of writing material that does not come from the conscious thoughts of the writer.

Automatic behavior, spontaneous verbal or motor behavior; an act performed unconsciously.

Surrealist automatism

Automatism has taken on many forms: the automatic writing and drawing initially (and still to this day) practiced by surrealists can be compared to similar, or perhaps parallel phenomena, such as the non-idiomatic improvisation.


Randomness (initially inspired by the Surrealist psychic Automatism) plays an important role in his unstructured compositions.

Alfred Binet

Nevertheless he had established his name internationally in the field, Morton Prince for example stating in 1904 that "certain problems in subconscious automatism will always be associated with the names of Breuer and Freud in Germany, Janet and Alfred Binet in France".

Cora Cohen

The relationships and affinities of her paintings with European Art informel (Wols, Jean Fautrier, Yves Klein) and the antecedent surrealist automatism of Andre Masson became more pronounced in Cohen’s work during the time she lived in Cologne in the nineties.

Karl Otto Götz

In 1952 Götz was one of the four co-founders, with Otto Greis, Heinz Kreutz and Bernard Schultze, of the Frankfurt 'Quadriga', a group of artists painting in a Tachist style influenced by Wols and Automatism.

Randolph Evans

Torsney's attorney maintained this illness was the automatism of Penfield, named for neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield.

see also