The "Perspectives" series is recorded and released on the Avie label; recent discs include the second installment of the series, as well as a recital disc of Prokofiev, Wagner and Franck, with Marina Piccinini, his wife.
Recordings made during this period include a set of the four symphonies on the Avie label, under conductors Kenneth Woods and Thomas Zehetmair, as well as recordings of concertos and chamber music.
His latest recording of the Brahms Clarinet Sonatas with UWM faculty member Elena Abend on the Avie label was just released.
Avie | Avie Records |
Many major classical music recording artists like Trevor Pinnock, conductors Michael Tilson Thomas, Semyon Bychkov and viol consort Phantasm record for Avie, which has released more than 100 CDs since 2002.
Due to advancing age and declining fertility, Lord Avie was pensioned after the 2002 breeding season at Lane's End Farm near Versailles, Kentucky, where he had stood since 1989.
His more than 40 solo and chamber music recordings (stand out his solo parts of Marais, Forqueray and Couperin are available on the Alba, Avie, BIS, Linn, Simax, Channel Classics, Decca, GMN and Toccata Classics labels.
Of the six titles in this series, four are set largely in Scotland: Goblin Island is set on 'Loch Avie', a fictionalised Loch Lomond; Princess in Tatters is set on 'Loch Ruel', which may be Loch Fyne; A Holiday Queen is set at 'Morven' on what appears to be Loch Long; and Schoolgirls and Scouts is set at 'Glenleny', which also seems to be on Loch Long, but a bit further up the loch.