It is situated next to the Kennet and Avon Canal and located almost adjacent to the Avoncliff Aqueduct so it is popular for walkers and cyclists who wish to travel along the canal path or the many picturesque walks around the station.
aqueduct | Roman aqueduct | Aqueduct | Catskill Aqueduct | Aqueduct (water supply) | Navigable aqueduct | Croton Aqueduct | Aqueduct of Segovia | California Aqueduct | Washington Aqueduct | Roebling's Delaware Aqueduct | Quabbin Aqueduct | Marple Aqueduct | Colorado River Aqueduct | Avoncliff Aqueduct | aqueduct (water supply) | Aqueduct (watercourse) | aqueduct (watercourse) | Aqueduct's | aqueduct (Roman) | Aqueduct (bridge) | aqueduct (bridge) | Águas Livres Aqueduct |