Marian Iancu | Henriette Avram | Brusturi, Bihor | Iancu Dumitrescu | Derna, Bihor | Bihor | Avram Iancu |
After a while, he was sent by his parents at the school in Neagra village.
Avram Iancu attended primary school in his village, in the "Târsa" hamlet.
They received here land from the King Ferdinand I of Romania the village being named Regina Maria after Ferdinand's wife Queen Marie.
The following towns and villages are situated along the river Crișul Negru, from source to mouth: Vaşcău (on Crișul Poienii), Ştei, Rieni, Drăgăneşti, Tărcaia, Beiuş, Şuncuiuş, Uileacu de Beiuș, Șoimi, Căpâlna, Tinca, Batăr, Avram Iancu, Zerind in Romania, and Sarkad in Hungary.
Derna, Bihor - a commune in northeastern Bihor County, Romania
The discovery of dinosaur bones in a bauxite mine at Cornet-Brusturi, near Oradea (Bihor County) was made accidentally by two miners in 1978 during ore exploitation.
The majority of the territory that once belonged to the Sanjak of Prizren now belongs to Kosovo or Serbia (Prizren, Hoča, and Žežna (20 km south-east of Novi Pazar) and smaller parts now belong to Montenegro (Bihor, and Trgovište (a settlement near Rožaje)).