Sunrise Radio carried extracts from an interview with him in advance of this, contrary to section 90(2)(b) of the Broadcasting Act 1990; the Radio Authority (now Ofcom) fined Sunrise Radio £10,000.
After the RSLs, Dr. Avtar Lit and Palm Radio Ltd agreed to apply for the Torbay Licence, Managing Director of London Media Company, Neil Romain joined the Board of the newly formed Palm FM Limited with his colleague David Lowen, a media consultant and former head of news for ITV Westcountry.
Sunrise Radio Group Limited is a UK radio broadcaster (chairman Avtar Lit), and runs Sunrise Radio, Yarr Radio, Kismat Radio and Punjabi Radio.
Lit | Hy Lit | Lit (band) | Avtar Lit | Avtar Gill | Aaj Ka M.L.A. Ram Avtar | Ram Avtar | Povist' mynulykh lit | Lit-et-Mixe | lit (band) | lit. | Charles Martin "Lit" Shaeffer |