
5 unusual facts about Ayman Nour

El-Ghad Party

Ayman Nour has been tightly associated with both the El-Ghad name and party, even being accused of internal monopoly by other party members.

The split faction Ghad El-Thawra Party, headed by Ayman Nour, was part of the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party-led Democratic Alliance for Egypt.

Elections in Egypt

Four major candidates (Hazem Salah Abu Ismail, Ayman Nour, Khairat El-Shater, Omar Suleiman) and six minor candidates have been disqualified for violation of election rules.

History of the Republic of Egypt

A constitutional amendment in May 2005 changed the presidential election to a multicandidate popular vote rather than a popular validation of a candidate nominated by the People’s Assembly and on 7 September Mubarak was elected for another six-year term with 87 percent of the popular vote, followed by a distant but strong showing by Ayman Nour, leader of the opposition Ghad Party and a well-known rights activist.

Samer Libdeh

In 2005, he was among the first journalists to interview Egyptian dissident Ayman Nour who was held under house arrest in Cairo.

Egyptian parliamentary election, 2005

Of the most prominent politicians who lost in the elections are Ayman Nour, Tomorrow Party leader and the presidential candidate in the Egyptian Presidential election in September 2005, since arrested for corruption, also NDP's major reformer Hossam Badrawi, Amin Mubarak and long-time serving Fayda Kamel, and New Wafd's most prominent Coptic figure Monir Fakhri Abdel Nour.

Egyptian presidential election, 2005

The New Wafd Party and the Tomorrow (Ghad) Party contested the election even though they had opposed the May 2005 constitutional referendum, and their respective candidates, Numan Gumaa and Ayman Nour, drew significant support -- Nour won 12% and Gumaa won 5-7%.

Mubarak's opponent, Ayman Nour, of the Tomorrow Party, is estimated to have received 7.3% of the vote and Numan Gumaa received 2.8%, however, Nour claimed that prior polling results showed over 30%.

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