
4 unusual facts about Azad Moopen

Azad Moopen

Naseera & Moopen Foundation, his family Trust is setting up the Human Resource Management Centre in his native village of Kalpakancheri to address the educational backwardness through intervention among school children and by parental counselling and training.

The MIMS Academy Trust, under his Chairmanship has set up a 32-acre campus at Karad in Malappuram District which has more than 1,100 students in medical and nursing subjects.

He belongs to the Moopen family of Kalpakancheri in Malappuram district of Kerala, who owned a bulk of land in the area and who ruled Kalpakancheri, a part of Valluvanad in Southern Malabar.

MIMS Charitable Trust under his leadership established a Rural Health Centre at the backward Vazhayur Panchayat near Kozhikode in 2008 and adopted 7,000 BPL members for comprehensive free Out-patient and In-Patient care.

see also