
unusual facts about Aztecs

Borregos Salvajes – ITESM Campus Monterrey

In 1999, the Borregos Salvajes obtained a second championship when defeating again the Aztecs of the UDLA by score of 38-25, this time the game was celebrated in the field nicknamed the Temple of the Pain in Cholula, Puebla.

Halls of Montezuma

Chapultepec, a hill settled by the Aztecs near Tenochtitlan; now a park in Mexico City

Hernán Cortés

In his letters to King Charles, Cortés claimed to have learned at this point that he was considered by the Aztecs to be either an emissary of the feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatl or Quetzalcoatl himself – a belief which has been contested by a few modern historians.

History of the Aztecs

Only the Aztec archenemies of Tlaxcala, Huexotzinco and the Tarascans remained undefeated, as well as the Mixtec kingdoms of Tututepec and Yopitzinco which didn't interest the Aztecs.


As with just about everything to do with the 'Toltecs', whom the Aztecs and other central Mesoamerican cultures of the Postclassic era held up as their valiant precursors whose legacy and authority they inherited, actual and discernible historical data is scant.

Lambda Sigma Upsilon

Although LSU's cultural identity symbol is the Taino, it has a consistent tradition of embracing and honoring indigenous peoples across the Americas and Africa such as the Aztecs, Zulu, Iroquois, Inca, Mohegan,and Mayans.


As the Aztecs began settling what would later become their homelands, an elite emerged (the pipiltzin) that claimed descent from the Toltecs, the former empire of Central Mexico.

see also