Wealthy mining towns have built them on their main square like as at such as Kassa (Košice, Slovakia), Bártfa (Bardejov, Slovakia), Brassó and Nagyszeben built their main squares in this style,which can also be seen in several rebuilt monasteries, for example (Garamszentbenedek in Slovakia).
Thereafter, Rakovszky moved on to Bártfa/Bártfeld, now Bardejov, where he studied with noted humanist Leonard Stöckel, and later Brassó/Kronstadt, now Brasov before spending 1555-56 at the University of Wittenberg studying under Phillip Melancthon, an associate of Martin Luther.
Pentapolitana (or rarely Pentapolis) was a league of townsin the Middle Ages of the five most important Hungarian royal free cities (Latin: libera regiae civitas, Hungarian: szabad királyi város, German: Königliche Freistadt; Slovak: slobodné kráľovské mesto) of the Kingdom of Hungary; Kassa (today Košice), Bártfa (Bardejov), Lőcse (Levoča), Eperjes (Prešov), and Kisszeben (Sabinov) .
He received his education in Bártfa, Jihlava, probably also in Vienna, and between 1589 and 1591 in Strasbourg, where he was awarded the title of a Master of Philosophy.