
5 unusual facts about Bạch Đằng River

Bạch Đằng River

The Bạch Đằng River has been the site of three important battles in Vietnamese history: in 938 resulting in Vietnamese independence, in 981, and in 1288, where General Trần Hưng Đạo employed tactics used in 938 to drive out Mongol invaders.

Kiều Công Tiễn

Finally Liu Yan's army was defeated in the Battle of Bạch Đằng River where his son Liu Yuancao was killed in action, the emperor of Southern Han had to abandon his military campaign and Ngô Quyền thus successfully secured the country from invaders and marked the beginning of the independence of Vietnam from Chinese authorities.

Later, Ngô Quyền had a decisive victory over the Southern Han in the Battle of Bạch Đằng River and marked the independence of Vietnam from Chinese authorities.

Lê Hoàn

Remembering the success of Ngô Quyền who, half a century earlier, had defeated the Chinese navy as it attempted to invade Đại Việt by way of the Bạch Đằng River, he copied Quyen's strategy of booby-trapping the river with long sharpened stakes that were out of sight beneath the surface of the water at high tide.

Mongol invasions of Vietnam

Borrowing a tactic used by general, later Emperor Ngô Quyền in 938 to defeat an invading Chinese fleet, the Đại Việt forces drove iron-tipped stakes into the bed of the Bạch Đằng River, and then, with a small flotilla, lured the Mongol fleet into the river just as the tide was starting to ebb.

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