BBC North East & Cumbrias television output, broadcast on BBC One, consists of the flagship regional news service Look North, the topical magazine programme Inside Out, a twenty minute opt-out during Sunday Politics and the football magazine show Late Kick Off, co-produced with independent production company Bite Yer Legs Ltd.
The on-screen name was adapted slightly to BBC NE & Cumbria in 2002, following the adoption of the Dancer idents for BBC One, as the regional name needed to fit inside the box logo.
BBC | North Carolina | North America | BBC Radio 4 | East Germany | Middle East | North Rhine-Westphalia | BBC Radio 1 | BBC One | North Korea | North Yorkshire | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | BBC World Service | North Island | North Sea | North Africa | BBC Radio 2 | North Dakota | North | BBC Two | East India Company | Cumbria | University of East Anglia | Dutch East Indies | Raleigh, North Carolina | Chapel Hill, North Carolina | University of North Carolina | East Prussia | East Africa | BBC Three |
Rugby League Raw was broadcast in the BBC's North East & Cumbria, Yorkshire & North Midlands, East Yorkshire & Lincolnshire and North West regions and attracted over 400,000 viewers, despite its late night timeslot.