Broadbent is employed by BNFL at Sellafield, and currently resides in Barrow-in-Furness with his wife, Emma and together they have two children, Sophie (born 1999) and Luke (born 2002).
Her life was the subject of an ITV docu-drama Fighting for Gemma in 1993, detailing her family's attempts to bring a criminal case against BNFL for damages relating to her illness.
The spent uranium and the uranium left when operation was discontinued were transported to BNFL in Sellafield for nuclear reprocessing.
In 1999, CBS Corporation sold all of its nuclear businesses to BNFL.
In December 2008, the BNFL share in AWE Management Ltd was sold to Jacobs Engineering Group, an American engineering services company.
On June 7, 2007, the company took over operational and management responsibilities of several Magnox atomic plants from British Nuclear Fuels plc in United Kingdom through the acquisition of the BNFL subsidiary - Reactor Sites Management Company (RMSC).
Through the acquisition, the company took over operational and management responsibilities of several Magnox atomic plants from British Nuclear Fuels plc.
In June 2007, BNFL sold RSMC to the newly formed US company EnergySolutions; and transferred operational and management responsibilities of Magnox sites to the US company.
The assets of Magnox Electric were later combined with BNFL in 1998, and eventually operated and managed by US based EnergySolutions through its June 2007 acquisition of the BNFL subsidiary - Reactor Sites Management Company.
BNG was created from a reorganisation of BNFL in 2005, bringing together all of BNFL's businesses into one unit, with the exception of Nexia Solutions and Westinghouse Electric Company.