
2 unusual facts about Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga

The second of the two mentions occurs within a list of Slavic gods and beings next to their presumed equivalence in Roman mythology (the Slavic god Perun, for example, appears equated with the Roman god Jupiter).


Baba Yaga, a hag from Slavic folklore -- Baba = old woman, rog = horn

Bartok the Magnificent

Russia is being terrorized by an evil witch known as Baba Yaga (Andrea Martin), and the only one who is not afraid of her is Bartok the Magnificent (Hank Azaria).


In The Sandman: Fables and Reflections, Koschei's emerald heart (or, more likely a piece of green glass being passed off as such) passes into the possession of a Romani trader, then a werewolf, and finally Baba Yaga.

see also

Hellboy: Darkness Calls

At that moment Vasilisa, appearing at the cottage's door, subdues Koschei with light from the skull she received from Baba Yaga in her legend.