
unusual facts about Bache-Gabrielsen


Currently, Bache-Gabrielsen Cognac sponsors the Milwaukee Bucks NBA basketball team and a Bache themed bar at the Bradley Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA.

Alexander Dallas Bache Monument

The Alexander Dallas Bache Monument is the tomb of Alexander Dallas Bache, a noted American scientist and surveyor.

Bache, Cheshire

Bache Hall, a large 18th-century building, was once the main house of the Bache estate.

Christopher Bache

Christopher M. Bache has been a professor of Religious Studies at Youngstown State University for almost 30 years as well as an intermittent adjunct faculty member at the California Institute of Integral Studies.

Constance Bache

Bache was born in Edgbaston, the daughter of Samuel Bache (1804-1876), a Unitarian minister at the Church of the Messiah, Birmingham; an uncle on her mother's side was James Martineau.

Ella Baché

Ella Baché were the official sponsors of Australian teenager Jessica Watson's non-stop and unassisted around the round the world sailing trip on Ella's Pink Lady.

Gilbert Miller

His third wife was Kathryn (Kitty) Bache (1896–1979), a daughter of the Wall Street financier Jules Bache, a supporter of American theatre who in 1941 helped found the New York branch of the Escholier Club.

Jens Bache-Wiig

During the Quisling regime of German-occupied Norway, Bache-Wiig served in the non-political Administrative Council until September 1940, when it was replaced by the Reichskommissariat Norwegen headed by the Norwegian Nazi Terboven.

Julius Erasmus Hilgard

The incident was soon followed up by Bache with an offer of subordinate position in the Coast Survey, in accepting which young Hilgard remarked that he would rather "do high work at low pay than low work at high pay."

His first practical employment was in the preliminary surveys of the Bear Mountain railroad, then a new enterprise, hut his mental activity in a higher sphere soon manifested itself in a communication to Mr. Bache, made in January, 1844, in which he called attention to errors in the formulas used in the Coast Survey in the computation of geographical positions, and gave his own development of correct formulas.

At the house of the latter he was first introduced to Professor Bache, who had not long before succeeded Hassler in the superinteudency of the United States Coast Survey and was a friend of Hilgard's maternal uncle, August Ritter von Pauli, of Munich, a distinguished engineer.

Soon, however, Professor Bache, recognizing his abilities, procured young Hilgard a position in the Coast Survey, in which service he continued, with short interruptions, until his death.

During the failing health of Professor Bache, Hilgard, who was at that time in charge of the Coast Survey office, was obliged to perform the duties of Superintendent, which he did without extra compensation until the appointment of Benjamin Peirce to the position.

In 1862 he assumed charge of the Coast Survey office, a position which during the war involved heavy responsibilities, which were soon aggravated by the beginning of the mental disease that incapacitated Mr. Bache for performance of the duties of Superintendent, and terminated in his death.

Louis Franklin Bache

Lt. Col. Louis Bache was the commander of a detachment of 351 men in the Pennsylvania State Militia Volunteers which was assigned by Pennsylvania Governor Simon Snyder to defend the City of Philadelphia against the British in the War of 1812.

Richard Bache

Richard Bache (1737–1811), born in Settle, Yorkshire, England, immigrated to Philadelphia, in the colony of Pennsylvania, where he was a businessman, a marine insurance underwriter, and later served as head of the American Post Office.

Sarah Franklin Bache

Sarah Franklin “Sally” Bache (September 11, 1744 – October 5, 1808) was the daughter of Benjamin Franklin and Deborah Read.

William Pole Thornhill

Thornhill was the last member of the family of Thornhill who had owned estates at Stanton Hall, Stanton-in-Peak since the end of the 17th century when John Thornhill married the heiress Mary Bache.

see also