
unusual facts about Baggara


The term "Shuwa" is peculiar to the region of Borno State in the tip of northeastern Nigeria, where it is used by the majority of non-Arabic speakers to describe the Arabic speakers among them.


Baggara |

Abd ul-Hamid Musa Madibbo

In the 1953 legislative election he was elected to the House of Representatives from Nyala Baggara East as a Socialist Republican Party candidate.

Bornu Empire

Muhammad al-Amin al-Kanemi was a Muslim scholar and non-Sayfawa commander who had put together an alliance of Shuwa Arabs, Kanembu, and other seminomadic peoples.

Messiria tribe

In Sudan, while the Abbala lives on the semi-desert part of the region: northern Kordofan and Darfur, the Baggara on the other hand lives on their southern fringes; occupying the area roughly south of 12 degree north and extending well into flood basins of the White Nile to the south.

see also