It can be found on the three major islands of Andros: North Andros, Mangrove Cay, and South Andros.
Historically, the Bahama Oriole has been known only from two major islands in the Bahamas: Abaco and Andros.
Oriole Park at Camden Yards | Grand Bahama | Oriole Records (U.S.) | Old World Oriole | West End, Grand Bahama | Tommy Bahama | Olive-backed Oriole | Grand Bahama International Airport | Brown Oriole | White-lored Oriole | Oriole Whistler | Oriole Records | ''Oriole'' | Olive-backed oriole | New World oriole | Green Oriole | Epaulet Oriole | Dusky-brown Oriole | Black-naped Oriole | Black-headed Oriole | Bahama Passage | Bahama Banks |