Another theory was that the name Bahman came from Hasan's claim of descent from the Iranian hero Bahman, which also lead to the dynasty and kingdom having the name Bahmani.
On 3 August 1347 Nasir-ud-Din Ismail Shah (Ismail Mukh, whom the rebel amirs of the Deccan placed on the throne of Daulatabad in 1345) abdicated in his favour and he set up the Bahmani Kingdom with its headquarters at Ahsanabad (Gulbarga).
With the establishment of the Bahmani Kingdom in the Deccan from 1347, the architectural styles of the Persian architecture of Iran made impressive and lasting impacts, which are seen in the Gulbarga fort.
Ahmad Shah Wali Bahmani had inducted immigrants from Iraq, Iran and Central Asia, which changed the soci-cultural and religious life in the Deccan but was well amalgamated with Hindu traditions.
The grandson of Nimshah, Deobarrao, fought a battle with the Bahmani Sultan Ahmad Shah I Wali.