
unusual facts about Bahnstrecke Bomlitz–Walsrode


Walsrode | Bomlitz |

Bad Fallingbostel

This merged the hitherto independent Catholic parish of St. Mary in Bad Fallingbostel with the neighbouring parishes of St. Mary's Church in Walsrode and the Church of the Holy Spirit in Bomlitz-Benefeld as well as the Church of the Sacred Heart in Visselhövede.


Die früher bestehenden Eisenbahnverbindungen von Walsrode über Cordingen nach Bomlitz und von Walsrode über Cordingen und Jarlingen nach Visselhövede im Verlauf der Bahnstrecke Bremervörde–Walsrode sind mittlerweile eingestellt, Das Gleis nach Bomlitz ist weiterhin zum Anschluss des Industrieparks erhalten.

Funds for Endangered Parrots

The convention in 2008 will be held at the Natural History Museum in Stuttgart and 2009 dem Vogelpark Walsrode.

Gaby Papenburg

Gaby Papenburg (born 27 February 1960 in Walsrode) is a German sport television reporter and television presenter.

see also