
2 unusual facts about Baile Chuinn Chétchathaig

Baile Chuinn Chétchathaig

In recent studies Edel Bhreathnach has suggested that the current form of the poem may be somewhat later.

Baile Chuind Chétchathaig was first edited by Rudolf Thurneysen, who dated it to about 700 AD and believed it to have been included in the lost Cín Dromma Snechtai manuscript.

Dáire Drechlethan

Dáire Drechlethan "Dáire of the Broad Face" is a King of Tara listed in the Old Irish Baile Chuinn Chétchathaig.

see also

Cathal mac Finguine

Mac Shamhráin, Ailbhe, and Paul Byrne, "Kings named in Baile Chuinn Chétchathaig and the Airgíalla Charter Poem", in Edel Bhreathnach (ed.), The Kingship and Landscape of Tara.

Dáire Drechlethan

Ailbhe Mac Shamhráin and Paul Byrne, "Prosopography I: Kings named in Baile Chuinn Chétchathaig and the Airgíalla Charter Poem", in Edel Bhreathnach (ed.), The Kingship and Landscape of Tara.

Edel Bhreathnach and Kevin Murray, "Baile Chuinn Chétchathaig: Edition", in Edel Bhreathnach (ed.), The Kingship and Landscape of Tara.