Surrounding areas include the scenic vantage point of Lough an Lae, the beautiful scenery and nature of castle lake and town lake which is situated at the heart of the town, the parishes of Killan and Knockbride and the towns of Kells, County Meath, Shercock, Kingscourt, Virginia, County Cavan, Mullagh, Cootehill, and Cavan also surround Bailieborough.
Bus Éireann route 108 provides three journeys each way (one each way on Sundays) between the town and Kells via Mullagh and Moynalty.
This increase is due to the continued population growth of N3/M3 proximity commuter towns such as Virginia, Ballyjamesduff, Bailieborough and Mullagh.
His mother was born in Bailieborough, County Cavan, Republic of Ireland, and his father, who played for both Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur youth teams, was born in Wood Green, London.