The sounds of the accordion and saxophone are hallmarks of baladi music - both are Western instruments that have been adopted by Egyptian musicians and modified to play Arabic scales.
Baladi |
Since its creation le Car de Thon has worked together with more than fifty people, among who one may notice the musicians Anne Gillot, Rachel Kolly d'Alba, Yannick Barman, Tomas Korber, Christophe Schweizer; the dancers Corina Pia and Foofwa d’Imobilité;, the set director Delphine Rosay;, the illustrators and painters Baladi, Blakam, Andréas Kündig, Jean-Christophe Menu, Olivier Texier, Tom Tirabosco,.
The Damascus goat, also known as Aleppo, Halep, Baladi, Damascene, Shami, or Chami, is a breed of goat raised in Syria and Lebanon.
Over time more and more Kabbalistic practices became popular among the Yemenite Jews to the point that the Baladi community became localized as a significant population only around the area of Yemen's capital city, Sana'a.
In 1982 Terezka performed with the renowned Egyptian Baladi singer Ahmed Adaweyah and the famed composer and piano accordion player Hussan Abou Seoud and his orchestra from Paris.