
unusual facts about Ballo


The Renaissance dance should be distinguished from the early baroque genre of the ballo, which was enlarged to include vocal numbers by such composers as Monteverdi; Il ballo delle ingrate, and Francesco Lambardi; Una festa a ballo.

Amelia Goes to the Ball

Amelia al ballo is still periodically performed, with productions in the 2008/2009 seasons in Vichy, Buenos Aires, and São Paulo, as well as a 2010 double bill with Menotti's The Telephone in Tours, using the 2006 co-production by Lausanne Opera and the Opéra Comique.

Il Ballo del Doge

Il Ballo del Doge (The Doge’s Ball) is the most elegant and exclusive Venetian masquerade ball, one of the many events held annually during the Carnival of Venice.

La pulce d'acqua

"Ballo in Fa Diesis Minore" is based on Ingmar Bergman The Seventh Seal in which a man defies the personification of Death (lyrics are taken from an inscription of a Danse Macabre depiction at Clusone, near Bergamo); the melody is inspired by "Schiarazula Marazula", a medieval northern Italian theme which accompanied exorcism rites and which was collected by Giorgio Mainerio in his Primo libro de' balli (1578).

La Scala Theatre Ballet School

Following the defeat of Napoleon, the school's name was changed to Imperial Regia Accademia di Ballo del Teatro alla Scala (Royal Imperial Dance Academy of the Teatro alla Scala).

Rita Shane

Over eight seasons, she also sang in La bohème (as Musetta), Un ballo in maschera (as Oscar), Le siège de Corinthe, La traviata, Lucia di Lammermoor, Le prophète (as Berthe, in John Dexter's production), and Rigoletto.

see also