An exception to this exists where some breeding was attempted at The Coorong during a time in which salinity in the Lower Lakes was significantly elevated due to reduced environmental flows down the Murray River.
Stilt house | Banded Stilt | Double-banded Plover | Chinese high fin banded shark | stilt house | Black Stilt | Banded Wattle-eye | Banded krait |
The wetland system was identified by BirdLife International as an IBA because it regularly supports over 1% of the world populations of Red-necked Stint, and often of Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, Double-banded Plovers and Banded Stilts.
Some 382 km2 of the permanent ponds in the north-western part of the lake have been identified by BirdLife International as an Important Bird Area (IBA) because they support Fairy Terns, over 1% of the world populations of Red-necked Stints, Curlew Sandpipers, Banded Stilts, Red-necked Avocets and Red-capped Plovers, as well as a population of Dusky Gerygones.
They sometimes support over 1% of the world populations of Freckled Ducks, Straw-necked Ibises, Black-fronted Dotterels, Banded Stilts and Red-necked Avocets.
The site has been identified by BirdLife International as an IBA because it has supported significant numbers of Freckled and Pink-eared Ducks, Grey Teals, Hardheads, Australian Pelicans, Banded Stilts, Red-necked Avocets and Caspian Terns.