
unusual facts about Banded Stilt

Banded Stilt

An exception to this exists where some breeding was attempted at The Coorong during a time in which salinity in the Lower Lakes was significantly elevated due to reduced environmental flows down the Murray River.

Lake Hawdon System Important Bird Area

The wetland system was identified by BirdLife International as an IBA because it regularly supports over 1% of the world populations of Red-necked Stint, and often of Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, Double-banded Plovers and Banded Stilts.

Lake Macleod

Some 382  km2 of the permanent ponds in the north-western part of the lake have been identified by BirdLife International as an Important Bird Area (IBA) because they support Fairy Terns, over 1% of the world populations of Red-necked Stints, Curlew Sandpipers, Banded Stilts, Red-necked Avocets and Red-capped Plovers, as well as a population of Dusky Gerygones.

North Victorian Wetlands

They sometimes support over 1% of the world populations of Freckled Ducks, Straw-necked Ibises, Black-fronted Dotterels, Banded Stilts and Red-necked Avocets.

Strzelecki Desert Lakes Important Bird Area

The site has been identified by BirdLife International as an IBA because it has supported significant numbers of Freckled and Pink-eared Ducks, Grey Teals, Hardheads, Australian Pelicans, Banded Stilts, Red-necked Avocets and Caspian Terns.

see also