He believes that al-Kumayt wanted the caliphate to be given to the Banu Hashim, but not necessarily the family of the Prophet.
An article by W. F. Madelung suggests that al-Kumayt was not praising the family of the Prophet specifically, but rather the Banu Hashim as a whole.
Their speaker became Muhammad, who himself hailed from one of the less privileged Quraysh clans.
Hashim Thaçi | Banu Khazraj | Banu Sulaym | Banu Hud | Banu Hashim | Saira Banu | Mohammad Hashim Kamali | Banu Hilal | Banu Tujibi | Banu Aus | Hashim Suboh | Hamida Banu Begum | Banu Salama | Banu Ghaniya | Roslin Hashim | Rashad Hashim | Muhammad Hafiz Hashim | Mohammed Hashim Watanwal | Merima Hashim | Hashim Thaci | Hashim Khan | Hashim Jalilul Alam Aqamaddin | Banu Ukhaidhir | Banu Qasi | Banu Onaral | Banu Nadir | Banu Kalb | Banu |
In July 632, Abu Bakr raised an army mainly from the Banu Hashim (the clan of the prophet Muhammad).