
7 unusual facts about Barbara Steele

Arturo Dominici

His filmography includes more than 80 titles, including Antonio Margheriti's Castle of Blood (1964), in which he appeared with Black Sunday star Barbara Steele.

Castle of Blood

Barbara Steele plays a ghost who attempts to help the journalist escape.

Giuseppe Addobbati

He also made several horror film appearances such as Nightmare Castle in 1965 alongside Barbara Steele, Paul Muller, Helga Liné, Laurence Clift and Rik Battaglia

Margarete Robsahm

To an international audience, she is best known for her role in Castle of Blood with Barbara Steele, but she has also starred in Norwegian movies, among these Line from 1961.

Mario Caiano

Caiano directed (as Allen Grünewald) and wrote the script for Nightmare Castle (Amanti d'oltretomba, 1965), which stars Barbara Steele.

Massimo Pupillo

He directed Terror-Creatures from the Grave (aka "Five Graves For A Medium") in 1965 which starred Barbara Steele.

Nightmare Castle

The film stars Barbara Steele in dual lead roles, and its music was composed by Ennio Morricone.

see also