
4 unusual facts about Barbu Dimitrie Ştirbei

Barbu Dimitrie Ştirbei

After Grigore IV Ghica was removed from the throne, Ştirbei was a candidate for the office in the only elections carried under the Regulations provisions, but renounced his votes in favour of his brother, Gheorghe Bibescu.

After Wallachia was occupied by Imperial Russia following the Russo-Turkish War of 1828–1829, general Pavel Kiseleff promoted him to the central government, where he served as president of the Wallachian commission charged with drafting the Organic Regulation, the first form of constitutional law ever implemented in Wallachia.

After the divans confirmed the union of the two countries by electing Alexander John Cuza as Domnitor, he returned to Paris together with his brother Gheorghe Bibescu.

Wallachian Revolution of 1848

The Ottoman-Russian occupation prolonged itself until 1851, while the 1849 Convention of Balta Liman awarded the Wallachian crown to Barbu Dimitrie Ştirbei.

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