
unusual facts about Bardera


Bardera District

Major agricultural and pastoral towns and villages in Bardera District include: Bardera, Fafahdhun, Sarinley, Aminey, Anoole, Hareeri, Gerileey, Sidamo, Uar Esgudud, El Mergis, Hurena, Kurman, Dar Moalim, Faanwayen and Darul Salaam,

Compit Educational Centre

Students at Compit are young people fleeing from war torn areas in Somalia from such places like Mogadishu, Kismayo, Bardera, Beled Haawo, Belet wayne and other large towns in the south of the country where much of the population of Somalia once lived.

East Bardera Mothers and Children's Hospital

UN agencies such as WHO, UNICEF and other international NGOs such MSF have supported the health-care services which are carried out in Bardera District.

Uar Esgudud

The village sits right at the cross-roads of the districts of Bardera, Afmadow and Sakow of the regions Gedo, Lower Juba and Middle Juba, respectively.

Uar Esgudud or (Af Soomaali War Caws Gaduud) is a small village in southeast Gedo region in the District of Bardera.

see also