He started early education at the Koranic School in Bauchi and like most of his contemporaries, he studied at the Katsina College for further education and soon acquired his teaching certificate.
After finishing middle school, he went to Barewa College, Zaria and the Nigerian School of Arts, Sciences and Technology also in Zaria.
Many of its members were educated at the famous Barewa College in Zaria, and had demonstrated a certain level of managerial competence in comparison to some of their older contemporaries.
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These three institutions, Government College Umuahia (GCU), Government College, Ibadan and Government College Zaria (Barewa College), were designed to follow the traditions of British "public schools" such as Eton, Harrow and Winchester.
In 1927 the British Colonial Government in Lagos decided to start 3 new Secondary Schools for boys, namely a school in Ibadan (Government College, Ibadan), in Zaria (now Barewa College) and in Umuahia (Government College Umuahia).
He attended Barewa College, Zaria (1965 - 1971) and Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (1972 – 1979) where he obtained a B.sc (Ed) degree in 1976, and an M.Ed in 1979.