
2 unusual facts about Barito River

Carl Schwaner

Borneo: beschrijving van het stroomgebeid van den Barito, en reizen langs eenige voorname rivieren van het Zuid-Oosterlijk gedeelte van dat eiland (edited by Jan Pijnappel), 1853 - Borneo: description of the basin of the Barito River, and travel along some major rivers of the southeastern part of the island.

Malagasy language

Malagasy shares much of its basic vocabulary with the Ma'anyan language, a language from the region of the Barito River in southern Borneo.

Hyalobagrus leiacanthus

Hyalobagrus leiacanthus is a species of bagrid catfish endemic to Indonesia where it is known only from the Kapuas River and the Barito River basins in central Borneo.


Further down the east coast, the Paser polity had extended its influence into the Barito-speaking Dayak, and some of these people became Muslim and were eventually referred to as 'Paser Malays'.

see also