
8 unusual facts about endemism

Cândido Firmino de Mello-Leitão

The species was discovered and first described in 1917 in the vicinities of the city of Campina Grande, Paraíba, from where it is endemic.

Charles Packe

Packe discovered several plant species that are endemic to the Pyrenees and also carried out a number of experiments when attempting to acclimatize rare plants in his garden.

Crab cake

In the Pacific Northwest and Northern California, the endemic Dungeness Crab is a popular ingredient for crab cakes, and the cakes are prepared at many well-established restaurants throughout the region.

Delphinium pavonaceum

It is endemic to Oregon in the United States, where it is limited to the Willamette Valley.

Delphinium viridescens

It is endemic to central Washington state in the United States, where it occurs in the Wenatchee Mountains in Chelan and Kittitas Counties.

Karatau Nature Reserve

Some 700 species of plants constitute its flora, 62 species are endemic.

Pemphigus foliaceus

Pemphigus is endemic in the rural areas of Brazil, especially along inland riverbeds.

Raised coral atoll

A raised coral atoll or raised coral island is an atoll that has been lifted high enough above sea level by tectonic forces to protect it from scouring by storms and enable soils and diverse – often endemic – species of flora and fauna to develop.


Endemism | endemism |

Aphanius vladykovi

The Zagros pupfish, Aphanius vladykovi, is an endemic species found in a restricted area of the central Zagros Mountains of Iran and is an attractive species for keeping in aquaria.


The Argan (Argania spinosa) is a species of tree endemic to the calcareous semi-desert Sous valley of southwestern Morocco and to the Algerian region of Tindouf in the western Mediterranean region.

Atriplex tularensis

Atriplex tularensis is endemic to Kern County, California, where it is known only from a few individuals at Kern Lake, a usually dry ephemeral lake bed just north of the Interstate 5 and Highway 99 split.

Berlinia korupensis

Berlinia korupensis Mackinder & Burgt, is a species of tree up to 42 m tall and 88 cm in diameter, belonging to the Caesalpinioideae, and is endemic to the Korup National Park in Cameroon.

Bomarea goniocaulon

It is endemic to Ecuador, where it has been collected only three times in the Pichincha Province.

Bornean white-bearded gibbon

The Bornean white-bearded gibbon, (Hylobates albibarbis), also known as the Bornean agile gibbon or southern gibbon, is an endangered species of gibbon endemic to southern Borneo, between the Kapuas and Barito rivers.

Brookesia thieli

Brookesia thieli, commonly also known as Domergue's leaf chameleon, is a species of chameleon endemic to eastern Madagascar, with a type locality of Ambodimanga, Andapa.

Buddleja ibarrensis

Buddleja ibarrensis is an endangered species endemic to a small area of Ecuador in the vicinity of Ibarra in subtropical or tropical moist montane forest at an elevation of 2,200 m threatened by deforestation.

Convex-tailed horned toad

The convex-tailed horned toad (Xenophrys caudoprocta) is a species of amphibian in the Megophryidae family, endemic to China, and is only known from the type locality, Tianping Mountain, Sangzhi County, in Hunan.

Cotoneaster cambricus

Cotoneaster cambricus (Wild Cotoneaster; Welsh: Creigafal y Gogarth "rock apple of Gogarth") is a species of Cotoneaster endemic to the Great Orme peninsula in north Wales.

Crataegus anamesa

Crataegus anamesa, the Fort Bend Hawthorn, is a species of hawthorn that is endemic to Texas, in North America.

Crataegus ancisa

Crataegus ancisa, the Mississippi Hawthorn, is a species of hawthorn that grows as a shrub or tree, and is endemic to the Southern United States, in North America.

Ctenophorus maculosus

maculosus is endemic to the three largest dry salt lakes of inner South Australia (Lake Eyre, Lake Callabonna, and Lake Torrens), with the densest population found in Lake Eyre.

Devario strigillifer

Devario strigillifer is a species of danio endemic to Myanmar where it is found in shallow, fast-running streams the area of Myitkyina District.

Drosera quartzicola

Drosera quartzicola is a species in the carnivorous plant genus Drosera and is endemic to the Serra do Cipó in central Minas Gerais state in southeastern Brazil.

Erigeron piscaticus

It is endemic to Arizona in the United States, where it is known from three locations in Maricopa and Graham Counties.

Golden gudgeon

Hypseleotris aurea, the golden gudgeon, is a species of sleeper goby endemic to Australia where it is found in rocky pools in the Murchison and Gascoyne Rivers in Western Australia.

Horaglanis krishnai

Horaglanis krishnai, the Indian blind catfish, is a species of airbreathing catfish endemic to India where it is found in wells in the area of Kottayam in Kerala.

Hyacinthoides paivae

Hyacinthoides paivae is endemic to the north-western part of the Iberian Peninsula, including western parts of Galicia (A Coruña, Ourense and Pontevedra provinces) and north-western parts of Portugal (Beira Litoral, Douro Litoral, Minho and Trás-os-Montes provinces).

Island restoration

Isolated islands have been known to have greater levels of endemism since the 1970s when the theory of Island biogeography, formulated by Robert MacArthur and E.O. Wilson was developed.

Kalyptatherina helodes

Kalyptatherina helodes, the marine sailfin silverside is a species of sailfin silverside endemic to Indonesia, where it is only known from mangrove swamps around Misool and Batanta Islands.

Leptolalax melicus

It is endemic to Cambodia where it is only known from near its type locality, Virachey National Park, Ratanakiri Province; it is expected to have a wider distribution that may reach Laos and Vietnam.

Linanthus killipii

It is endemic to the San Bernardino Mountains of southern California, where it is known from only a few occurrences in the vicinity of Baldwin Lake near Big Bear.

Long Island, Marlborough

The island itself is also an important wildlife refuge and a number of species of threatened endemic birds which have been reintroduced to it including Little Spotted Kiwi (late 1980s), Yellow Crowned Kakariki (2001) and South Island Saddleback (2005) - all these reintroductions have been successful with healthy breeding populations of each species now present on the Island.

Lumbricus badensis

It is endemic to the upper-elevation spruce forests of Germany's Black Forest, where its common name is Badischer Riesenregenwurm (literal translation: "giant rainworm of Baden").


The notable logo of MAKNA is inspired by the periwinkle flower, scientifically named Catharanthus roseus (Madagascar Periwinkle), a species of the Catharanthus native and endemic to Madagascar.

Monardella viridis

Monardella viridis is an uncommon species of flowering plant in the mint family which is endemic to California.

Mount Waialeale

A number of rare local plant species are named for this mountain, including Astelia waialealae, Melicope waialealae, and the endemic Dubautia waialealae.

Nepenthes naga

In their description of N. naga, the authors compared it to the Sumatran endemics N. ovata and N. spathulata, contending that it can be distinguished from these species on the basis of its dichotomous lid appendage and frilled lid.

O'opu naniha

Stenogobius hawaiiensis is a species of goby endemic to the Hawaiian Islands where it can be found in marine, brackish and fresh waters.


Relict forests retain endemic fauna and flora in communities of great value in inferring the palaeontological succession and climate change that followed the breakups of the supercontinents.

Parmacella tenerifensis

This species is endemic to the area east of San Cristóbal de La Laguna in Tenerife, Canary Islands.

Percopsis transmontana

Percopsis transmontana, the Sand roller, is a species of percopsiform fish endemic to the Columbia River drainage in the northwestern United States.

Phacelia cookei

It is endemic to Siskiyou County, California, where it is known from just a few occurrences in the forest and scrub around Mount Shasta.

Potentilla delphinensis

It is endemic to France, where it is limited to the southern French Alps (Savoie et Dauphiné: Bauges; Isère; Hautes-Alpes, Col du Lautaret).


The only other species in the genus, the Socotra pomegranate (Punica protopunica), is endemic to the island of Socotra.

Saint Helena Airport

Prosperous Bay Plain is one of the few remaining sites on Saint Helena that holds significant ecological diversity; according to a 2004 review by Atkins Management Consultants, the survival of numerous endemic species critically depend on preservation and protection of the location; it also is an important nesting site for the Wirebird, Saint Helena's national bird which is nearly extinct.

São Tomé Shorttail

It is endemic to the southern and western parts of the island of São Tomé.

Schefflera procumbens

It is endemic to Seychelles, now confined to six small areas on Silhouette Island at altitudes between 400 and 700 meters, having become extinct on Mahé.

Schiedea verticillata

Schiedea verticillata, known as the Nihoa Carnation, is an endangered species of carnation, endemic to the island of Nihoa in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, where it was discovered in 1923 by the Tanager Expedition.

Skiotocharax meizon

Skiotocharax meizon is a species of South American darter endemic to Guyana where it is found in the basins of the Mazaruni and Berbice Rivers.

Sorbus latifolia

Sorbus latifolia (the service tree of Fontainebleau; French: alisier de Fontainebleau) is a species of whitebeam that is endemic to the area around Fontainebleau, south of Paris in France, where it has been known since the early eighteenth century.

Stippled studfish

The Stippled studfish (Fundulus bifax) is a small freshwater fish which is endemic to the Tallapoosa River system in Georgia and Alabama, USA; and Sofkahatchee Creek (lower Coosa River system) in Alabama.

Tropidophis xanthogaster

Guanahacabibes dwarf boa, Tropidophis xanthogaster, is a newly described species of dwarf boa endemic to the Guanahacabibes Peninsula, in the province of Pinar del Río, western Cuba.

White-fronted Chat

It is endemic to Australia, being found across southern Australia (including Tasmania) from Shark Bay in Western Australia around to the Queensland/New South Wales border.

Zappa confluentus

Zappa confluentus, the New Guinea slender mudskipper, endemic to New Guinea where it is only known from the lower parts of the Fly, Ramu and Bintuni Rivers.

see also