In 2008 the Taranaki Rugby League named its Team of the Century: Dave Watson; Babe Hooker; Ron McKay; Willie Talau; Ernest Buckland; Tony Kemp; Issac Luke; Bruce Gall; Howie Tamati; Wille Southorn; Graeme West; Adam Lile; Barry Harvey.
Barry Manilow | Barry Goldwater | Barry Bonds | Barry Gibb | Barry | PJ Harvey | Harvey Keitel | Barry Levinson | Lee Harvey Oswald | Steve Harvey | Barry Humphries | Harvey Milk | William Harvey | Harvey Weinstein | Lynda Barry | Harvey Pekar | Harvey Nichols | Barry Lyndon | Paul Harvey | Harvey Fierstein | Harvey Award | Harvey | Barry McGee | Barry Greenstein | Barry County, Missouri | Dave Barry | Barry White | Barry Morse | Barry Mann | Barry Gifford |