His first book, A Vision of American Law: Judging Law, Literature, and the Stories We Tell, which addresses law, literature, and American cultural issues, was widely reviewed and received the Quinnipiac Law School award for excellence.
Barry Manilow | Barry Goldwater | Barry Bonds | Barry Gibb | Barry | Barry Levinson | Barry Humphries | Lynda Barry | Barry Lyndon | Barry McGee | Barry Greenstein | Barry County, Missouri | Dave Barry | Barry White | Barry Morse | Barry Mann | Barry Gifford | Barry County | Barry Commoner | Barry Sheene | Barry Lopez | Barry Diller | Barry Davies | Barry Bostwick | Schaller | Barry Windsor-Smith | Barry Williams | Barry, Vale of Glamorgan | Barry Pepper | Barry Miles |
In January 2014 he was awarded a PhD degree without amendments from Brunel University on A linguistic analysis of Francis Bacon's contribution to three Shakespeare plays: The Comedy of Errors, Love's Labour's Lost, and The Tempest.
In a 1997 piece for International Security entitled "Competing Visions for U.S. Grand Strategy," Barry R. Posen and Andrew L. Ross outlined four major grand strategies applicable to U.S. foreign policy in the post-Cold War world: neo-isolationism, selective engagement, cooperative security and primacy.