Cletus was introduced during the fifth season of the show, in "Bart Gets an Elephant", as one of the "slack-jawed yokels" gawking at Bart's elephant Stampy.
In The Simpsons episode "Bart Gets an Elephant", Homer pours a bottle of "Mr. Cleanser" into a puddle in the basement and begins scrubbing, ignoring the warning to only use the product in a well-ventilated area.
Bart Simpson | Elephant | elephant | Bart | Bart Starr | Elephant Pass | BART | Bart D. Ehrman | Babar the Elephant | African elephant | Indian elephant | Elephant's Memory | Elephant Island | Asian Elephant | Bart Stupak | Asian elephant | Second Battle of Elephant Pass | Order of the White Elephant | Nellie the Elephant | Lionel Bart | Elephant and Castle | The Tower of the Elephant | The Elephant Man's Alarm Clock | North African elephant | Lucy the Elephant | Elephant (2003 film) | Bart Sears | Bart Got a Room | Bart Conner | Bart. |