
unusual facts about Bartered


Barter, a method of exchange by which goods or services are directly exchanged for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange


At Corotoman, Carter maintained a building known as the "Brick House Store" where he kept imported goods that he sold and bartered to local planters.

Kipling, Saskatchewan

Kyle bartered the right to a role in a film to be produced by Corbin Bernsen called Donna on Demand for his house.

Lydia Longley

Lydia was bartered immediately by her captors as they fled north along the Merrimack River: sold to the Pennacook Indians, whose settlement was located in what is today Concord, New Hampshire, probably in exchange for food.

Oliver von Dohnányi

For National Theatre Ostrava a revival of The Bartered Bride and a new production of Alfano´s Cyrano de Bergerac.

Terry Huntingdon

In her first television role in 1959 she appeared on Perry Mason as defendant Kitty Wynne in "The Case of the Bartered Bikini."

The Flail from Heaven

The butcher, having no currency on him, bartered a measure of turnip-seed with the peasant, offering should the peasant return to him with the measure of rapeseed he would exchange a Brabant thaler for each seed.

see also