
10 unusual facts about Barth

Fleming of Louhisaari

He was probably son of a Claus Fleming who between 1331 and 1354 is mentioned as bailiff of Barth in the Pomeranian principality of Rügen (a Danish fief) and had in principle the same Coat of Arms.

Georg Ludwig Spalding

Georg Ludwig Spalding (April 8, 1762 – June 7, 1811) was a German philologist born in Barth, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Kampfgeschwader 30

I Gruppe formed 1 September, II Gruppe on 23 September and III Gruppe on 1 January 1940, based in Greifswald then Barth.


Because the Permin was navigable in the 13th and 14th centuries with average water depths of around 2 to 3 metres, it formed an important waterway for trade to and from the towns of Ribnitz and Barth, although its navigability was frequently degraded by storms and silting up.


The Eastern part, between the rivers Swine and Leba, was called Pomerania-Stolp and was initially ruled by Duke Bogislaw V and the Western duchies of Pomerania-Barth, initially ruled by Duke Wartislaw VI and Pomerania-Wolgast, ruled by Duke Bogislaw VI.

While the authotrity of the Duke extended in the west to Recknitz and in the south to Trebel, the duke's actual possessions were concentrated in the region of today's Barth and nearby areas.

After the death in 1325 of Wizlaw III, Prince of Rügen, the last Prince of Rügen, Wizla's nephew, Duke Wartislaw IV, was enfeoffed with the Principality of Rügen by the Danish king, in accordance with the contract of inheritace of 1321.

The Duchy of Pomerania-Barth was created from the western possessions on the mainland of the former Principality of Rügen.


A thesis formulated by Goldmann und Wermusch placed Vineta near Barth, pointing to a possiblly different course of the Oder in the Middle Ages and a creative reading of the primary sources outlined above.

Wilhelm Holtz

Wilhelm Holtz (15 October 1836 – 27 September 1913) was a German physicist who was a native of Saatel bei Barth, Mecklenburg.

Atmospheric thermodynamics

In 1911 von Alfred Wegener published a book "Thermodynamik der Atmosphäre", Leipzig, J. A. Barth.

Barnim VI, Duke of Pomerania

To avoid this fate, he went on a pilgrimage to Kenz near Barth, but died on his way in Pütnitz (a part of today's Ribnitz-Damgarten) on 23 September 1405.

Charles John Palmer

He became an alderman of the old corporation, and in August 1835 was elected mayor; but the passing of the Municipal Corporations Act prevented his taking the oath in the following September, and the new corporation elected Barth as chief magistrate.

Chris Barth

Barth began his music career in Indianapolis, forming The Impossible Shapes while still in high school, with friends Aaron Deer and Peter King.

Eduard Neumann

After the re-training on the Bf 109 D at Barth in August 1937 he was transferred to the Luftwaffe's ‘Condor Legion’ which was to be sent to aid General Francisco Franco's Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War along with other notable personalities like Adolf Galland and Werner Mölders.

Eric II, Duke of Pomerania

They split the duchy with Wartislaw X receiving the principality of Rügen (with Rügen, Barth, Tribsees and Grimmen) while Eric received the eastern parts.

Erika Zuchold

Erica Zuchold (née Barth; born 19 March 1947 in Lucka) is a former East German gymnast who competed at the European, World, and Olympic level from the mid-1960s to early 1970s.

Fernwood 2 Night

It was a parody talk show, hosted by Barth Gimble (Martin Mull) and sidekick/announcer Jerry Hubbard (Fred Willard), complete with a stage band, Happy Kyne and His Mirthmakers (featuring Frank De Vol as the ironically dour "Happy" Kyne, and Tommy Tedesco as one of the guitarists).

Frederik Philip Carl August Barth

Born in Kassel, Barth was trained by his father and played solo at a concert at the Royal Theater as a 14-year-old in 1789 and joined the chapel in 1793.

Fredy Barth

Frédéric Nicolas "Fredy" Barth (born 5 December 1979 in Lucerne) is an auto racing driver from Switzerland.

George II, Duke of Pomerania

George II of Pomerania (born: 30 January 1582 in Barth; died: 27 March 1617 in Bukowo Morskie in Rügenwalde) was a non-reigning duke of Pomerania.

Johann Joachim Spalding

In 1755 he became a pastor in Lassan, then two years later served as a minister in the town of Barth.

Jürgen Barth

Jürgen Barth (born December 10, 1947 in Thum, Saxony) is a German engineer and a former racecar driver.


In addition to the Author and Germaine Pitt (or 'Lady Amherst', unrelated to any of Barth's previous novels), the correspondents are: Todd Andrews (from The Floating Opera), Jacob Horner (from The End of the Road), A.B. Cook (a descendent of Burlingame in The Sot-Weed Factor), Jerome Bray (associated with Giles Goat-Boy and Chimera) and Ambrose Mensch (from Lost in the Funhouse).

Marie Walewska

Marie Walewska also had a niece, named Barth, who lived in Bergen, Norway.

Mario Barth

On 12 July 2008 Barth established a new world record in the category "live-comedy with the largest audience" as he performed in front of 70,000 people in the Olympic Stadium in Berlin.

Paul Henning

He married Ruth Barth in 1939 and the couple had three children; Linda Kaye Henning on whom Paul partially based the character of Elly May Clampett, Carol Alice and Paul Anthony Henning.

Rudolf Otto

Others to acknowledge Otto were, for instance, Karl Barth, Martin Heidegger, Leo Strauss, John A. Sanford, Richard Rohr, Hans-Georg Gadamer (critical in his youth, respectful in his old age), Max Scheler, Ernst Jünger, Joseph Needham and Hans Jonas.

Uta Barth

Essays by Uta Barth, Pamela Lee, and Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe; interview with Matthew Higgs; and selected writings by Joan Didion.

Zachary Barth

For marketing reasons, Barth decided against XNA with its capability to cross-publish to Xbox 360, and switched to OpenGL, which allowed him to target the three operating systems required for inclusion in the Humble Indie Bundle.