He spent the years 1849–52 in Paris taking courses at the Ecole des Mines, the Jardin des Plantes, the Collège de France and the Sorbonne.
Bartolomeo Gastaldi (10 February 1818 – 5 January 1879) was an Italian geologist and palæontologist, and one the founders of the Club Alpino Italiano.
Meanwhile in 1863, some leading Italian mountaineers, including Quintino Sella, Bartolomeo Gastaldi and Felice Giordano, gathered at the Castle of Valentino in Turin to discuss the formation of an Alpine Society; and it was secretly proposed there to attempt at once some feat that should bring honour to the institution at its birth.
Bartolomeo | Bartolomeo della Gatta | Bartolomeo Merelli | Bartolomeo Gastaldi | Bartolomeo Eustachi | Bartolomeo Colleoni | Giacomo Gastaldi | Gastaldi's | Ernesto Gastaldi | ''Christ carrying the Cross'', either by Bartolomeo Coda | Bartolomeo Tromboncino | Bartolomeo Maranta | Bartolomeo di Breganze | Bartolomeo della Rocca | Bartolomeo d'Alviano | Bartolomeo Cristofori | Bartolomeo Coda | Bartolomeo Bulgarini | Bartolomeo Bon | Bartolomeo Ammannati | Bartolomeo Altomonte |