There are some other, undescribed, presbyornithid or possible presbyornithid remains, such as the partial right scapula BMNH PAL 4989, which was considered part of Headonornis hantoniensis, but cannot be positively refererred to a known taxon, or the Early Cretaceous remains from the Mongolian Barun Goyot Formation at Uday Sayr
formation | Command (military formation) | Elliot Formation | Lance Formation | Crato Formation | Chinle Formation | Two Medicine Formation | Tamayama Formation | Missing Man Formation (band) | Missing Man Formation | Marcellus Formation | Kirkwood Formation | Gettysburg Formation | Clarens Formation | Whitby Mudstone Formation | Tunbridge Wells Sand Formation | Santana Formation | Phalanx formation | phalanx formation | Mahantango Formation | Leduc Formation | Identity formation | Hanson Formation | Formation (stratigraphy) | formation (stratigraphy) | Formation | Centre International de Formation Européenne | Barun Sobti | Barun Roy | Bakken formation |