The Spaniard King Phillip V by means of the New Jurisdictional Decrees abolished the main part of both Public Law institutions and sources in the Spanish regions of Aragon, Valencia, Cataluña and the Balearic Islands.
The term “Chartered Law” was used for its real first time in a letter sent by the University of Valencia staff to the King Charles the Third, with occasion of his accession to the Throne, applying for reestablishment of the Region of Valencia Civil Charter abolished by Phillip the Fifth.
American Civil War | Law & Order | Spanish Civil War | Coulomb's law | English Civil War | Harvard Law School | Basque Country (autonomous community) | Statute Law Revision Act 1948 | Basque | Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | law | Basque Country | International Civil Aviation Organization | Union (American Civil War) | Yale Law School | Law | Statute Law Revision Act 1888 | American Civil Liberties Union | New York University School of Law | law clerk | Jude Law | University of Michigan Law School | Russian Civil War | Columbia Law School | L.A. Law | Basque people | Basque language | Roman law | American Society of Civil Engineers | Law & Order: Criminal Intent |