
2 unusual facts about Baster


The Basters left their original home in the Cape Colony in 1868 to trek northwards in search of land and settled in Rehoboth in what is now central Namibia.

It is claimed the republic was recognised by the League of Nations and that according to international law, the Republic should retain the status of a sovereign nation.


Baster |

Athirajendra Chola

Thwarted in his attempts by his uncle Vijayaditya, Rajendra Chalukya carved himself a small dominion near Baster District in Chhattisgarh state and bided his time.

Diergaardt v. Namibia

Representatives of Rehoboth Baster Community have complained over alleged violations of Articles 1 (right to self-determination), 14 (equality before the courts), 17 (privacy), 25 (right to participate in public life), 26 (ban of discrimination) and 27 (minority rights) of ICCPR.

Job Baster

Job Baster, sometimes Hiob Baster, (Zierikzee, 2 April 1711 - 6 March 1775) was a Dutch physician and naturalist who devoted himself almost entirely to the study of medicine and natural history.

Johann Christian Friedrich Heidmann

A few years later, he along with approximately 90 Baster families relocated to the deserted village of Rehoboth.

Turnhalle Constitutional Conference

The Turnhalle Conference was attended by 134 members of 11 ethnic groups: Ovaherero, Coloureds, Baster, Tswana, Damara, Ovambo, Caprivians, Nama, Kavango, San, and Whites.

see also