Goenawan Mohamad - democracy activist, writer and also prominent national press figure, was born in Batang.
Every "Jumat Kliwon" night (the night before a particular Friday, which coincides with the mystical fifth day of Kliwon of the Javanese calendar) people gather in the town square, creating a monthly festival with hundreds of street vendors selling goods.
The Sojomerto inscription is an inscription estimated dated circa late 7th century to early 8th century, discovered in Sojomerto village, Reban, Batang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia.
Ya'an is the main market for a special kind of tea which is grown in this part of the country and exported in very large quantities to Tibet via Kangting and over the caravan routes through Batang (Paan) and Teko.
regency | Regency | Banggai Islands Regency | Batang | Sleman Regency | Regency (Indonesia) | Malinau Regency | Karimun Regency | Kampar Regency | Dharmasraya Regency | Berau Regency | West Bandung Regency | Tangerang Regency | Regency architecture | Majalengka Regency | Langkat Regency | Kuningan Regency | Jombang Regency | Indramayu Regency | East Kutai Regency | Belu Regency | Banggai regency | Asahan Regency | Alor Regency | Agam Regency | Tojo Una-Una Regency | Temanggung Regency | Tana Toraja Regency | South Tapanuli Regency | Simalungun Regency |