
unusual facts about Batar


Notable people who lived in Batăr include composer Tiberiu Olah.


Batar | Batăr |

Adnan al-Ghoul

Among those weapons, anti-tank rockets such as the Al-Bana, the Batar, and later the Yasin were often used by Hamas in its attacks against settlements or Israeli soldiers in Gaza, as well as for defense purposes during IDF's incursions.

Crișul Negru River

The following towns and villages are situated along the river Crișul Negru, from source to mouth: Vaşcău (on Crișul Poienii), Ştei, Rieni, Drăgăneşti, Tărcaia, Beiuş, Şuncuiuş, Uileacu de Beiuș, Șoimi, Căpâlna, Tinca, Batăr, Avram Iancu, Zerind in Romania, and Sarkad in Hungary.

Hardev Singh Nehra

The senior leaders of ‘Jaipur Praja-Mandal’ in Skekhawati, Ladu Ram Joshi, Kishan Singh Batar, Bhinw Raj Dugar had once organized a meeting in village Harsawa for the awakening of the villagers.

see also