
unusual facts about Battle of Flers-Courcelette

Battle of Morval

The Battle of Morval, 25–28 September 1916, was an attack during the Battle of the Somme by the British Fourth Army on the villages of Morval, Gueudecourt and Lesboeufs held by the German 1st Army, which had been the final objectives of the Battle of Flers-Courcelette (15–22 September).


The village was assigned as the major objective of the Canadian Corps during that battle and they succeeded in capturing it.

Frederick William Palmer

On 16/17 February 1917 north of Courcelette, France, Lance-Sergeant Palmer assumed command of his company when all his officers had become casualties.

Leo Clarke

Its objective was to occupy a chain of trenches between Martinpuich and Courcelette.

Prince of Wales's Own Civil Service Rifles

:* Festubert 1915, Loos, Somme 1916 '18, Flers-Courcelette, Le Transloy, Messines 1917, Ypres 1917, Cambrai 1917, St. Quentin, Ancre 1918, Albert 1918, Bapaume 1918, Pursuit to Mons, France and Flanders 1915-18, Doiran 1917, Macedonia 1916-17, Gaza, Nebi Samwil, Jerusalem, Palestine 1917-18

see also