Players can experience battles entirely new to the RTS Genre, from the Battle of the Alamo to Battle of Gettysburg.
The four Tarleton brothers (Boyd, Tom, Brent and Stuart) are all killed, three of them at Gettysburg.
According to legend, Fritchie, a 95-year-old woman at the time, stood in the street and attempted to block or at least antagonize Confederate General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson and his troops by waving the Union flag as they marched through Frederick, Maryland on their campaign to the Battle of Gettysburg.
The battle, along with the Third Battle of Wonju, has been called "the Gettysburg of the Korean War," and represents the "high-water mark" of the Chinese incursion into Korea.
The island was named for Lt. Fredrick H. Beecher of the 3rd Infantry (nephew of Henry Ward Beecher and veteran of the Battle of Gettysburg), one of the heroes of the engagement who was killed during what became known as the Battle of Beecher Island.
On the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg, Cemetery Ridge was unoccupied for much of the day until the Union army retreated from its positions north of town, when the divisions of Brig. Gen. John C. Robinson and Maj. Gen. Abner Doubleday from the I Corps were placed on the northern end of the ridge, protecting the left flank of the XI Corps on Cemetery Hill.
During the morning of the battle's 2nd day (July 2), Army of the Potomac commander Maj. Gen. George G. Meade shifted units to receive an expected Confederate attack on his positions.
He was born Frederick Liedtke in York, Nebraska, to a French mother and a father who had served as a captain in the American Civil War and was wounded at the Battle of Gettysburg.
Three months later, at the first day of fighting at Gettysburg, with Allen away on furlough, McFarland bravely led the 151st as his regiment covered the retreat of the battered Union Army's I Corps through the town of Gettysburg.
McPherson Ridge is a landform used for military engagements during the 1863 Battle of Gettysburg, First Day, when the I Corps (Union Army) had a headquarters on the ridge and was defeated by the Confederate division of Major General Henry Heth.
Previous combat in the area included a June 21 engagement at Fairfield, and subsequent engagements prior to the Battle of Gettysburg included the first combat of Adams County, Pennsylvania, during the Civil War.
According to that film's storyline, Turnbull is a former general officer in the Confederate Army, who, after the Battle of Gettysburg, intentionally targets civilians - hospitals, churches, schools - in an attempt to turn the Union's people against their government (in effect, becoming a proto-terrorist).
Brody shows the family where the Battle of Gettysburg took place, and tells them stories of Civil War heroes.
Battle of Waterloo | Battle of Britain | Battle of the Somme | Battle of the Bulge | Battle of Gettysburg | Gettysburg | Battle Creek, Michigan | Battle of France | Battle of Trafalgar | Battle of Hastings | Battle of Antietam | battle | Gettysburg, Pennsylvania | Battle of Shiloh | Battle of Midway | Battle of Belleau Wood | Battle of the Alamo | Battle of Leipzig | Battle of Agincourt | Battle of Verdun | Battle of Thermopylae | Battle of the Plains of Abraham | Battle of Vienna | Second Battle of the Marne | Second Battle of El Alamein | Gettysburg Address | Battle of the Nile | Battle of the Boyne | Battle of Stalingrad | Battle of Austerlitz |
Its further service would see the regiment take part in the Battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, the Atlanta Campaign (most notably at the Battle of Peachtree Creek), the March to the Sea, and Bentonville.
Byington gained a reputation as a war correspondent when he became the first to deliver news of the outcomes of the battles of Bull Run and Gettysburg.
Their Civil War descendants included Union Major Generals John Buford, who distinguished himself at the Battle of Gettysburg, and Napoleon Bonaparte Buford and Confederate General Abraham Buford.
Cemetery Ridge is a geographic feature in Gettysburg National Military Park, south of the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, that figured prominently in the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1 to July 3, 1863.
Before the battle broke out at Gettysburg, General Meade had planned a defensive position for the Army of the Potomac at Pipe Creek, making use of its broad slopes and open fields of fire.
His father Ralph Lamartine Newbery, emigrated from Long Island, New York, and settled in Argentina after the American Civil War (in which, supposedly, he took part at the Battle of Gettysburg).
His 3rd Division, the Pennsylvania Reserves, led by Brig. Gen. Samuel W. Crawford, attacked from Little Round Top, drove the Confederates across the "Valley of Death" and ended the deadly fighting in the Wheatfield.
During the Battle of Gettysburg, the 16th Georgia was among the troops that were poised for a late attack on a perceived weak spot in the Union line near Little Round Top, but were recalled by Lt. Gen. James Longstreet.
Edward A. Pollard, the editor of the Richmond Examiner is one of them, blaming J.E.B. Stuart for having caused the Confederate defeat at the Battle of Gettysburg.
Following the 1863 Battle of Gettysburg, Hanover Junction was a major route for the transport of wounded soldiers from Gettysburg to hospitals in Baltimore, Harrisburg, York, and other Northern towns.
After the Battle of Gettysburg, Haupt boarded one of his trains and arrived at the White House on July 6, 1863, being the first to inform President Lincoln that General Robert E. Lee's defeated Confederate army was not being pursued vigorously by Union Major General George G. Meade.
Many of the largest Civil War monuments were built by Batterson, including The American Volunteer at Antietam National Cemetery (Carl Conrads, sculptor, George Keller, architect); and the Soldiers' National Monument at Gettysburg National Cemetery (Randolph Rogers, sculptor, George Keller, architect).
Before earning his civil engineering degree from RPI, Buck fought for the Union Army in the American Civil War under General Slocum, participating in the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Peachtree Creek, Resaca and
He designed and executed the illustrations for various works, and during the Civil War followed the Army of the Potomac, and drew every camp, up to the Battle of Gettysburg.
John Baillie McIntosh, Class of 1837, Major General in the U.S. Army; Union Army Officer in the Civil War; Commander in the Battle of Gettysburg; Superintendent of Indian Affairs for California, 1869-1870.
Norman Jonathan Hall (1837 – May 26, 1867) was an officer in the United States Army during the American Civil War, perhaps most noted for his defense of his sector of the Union line against Pickett's Charge during the Battle of Gettysburg.
The last combat on the Battle of Gettysburg, Third Day, was "in the early evening. Colonel William McCandless's brigade of Pennsylvania Reserves advanced across the Wheatfield into Rose's Woods where they managed to inflict heavy losses on the 15th Georgia" which had failed to retreat to Warfield Ridge after Longstreet's Assault.
He takes command of the Michigan Brigade at the Battle of Gettysburg, wins the day, and many victories follow him all the way to Appomattox.
A former archivist/historian at Gettysburg National Military Park, much of his historical research has been devoted to Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, on the mythology of the Gettysburg story, and Maine history.
Among these were the 7th West Virginia Infantry, famed for actions at Antietam and Gettysburg, and the 3rd West Virginia Cavalry, which also fought at Gettysburg.
Perry was wounded by an artillery shell exploding near his head while he led the 44th Alabama Infantry in Major General John Bell Hood's division's general attack on the left flank of the Union Army line on Cemetery Hill and Little Round Top, near the area of boulders known as Devil's Den, on the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg.