
unusual facts about Battlefield Earth

Plot hole

The 2000 film adaptation of L. Ron Hubbard's Battlefield Earth is rife with plot holes, e.g. the Psychlos enslaving humanity for gold for 1000 years despite the presence of Fort Knox.

Elie Samaha

The only award he has won was a Worst Picture Razzie, which he shared with John Travolta and Jonathan D. Krane, for Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000.

Space Jazz

Space Jazz: The soundtrack of the book Battlefield Earth is a music album and soundtrack companion to the novel Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard, released in 1982.

see also

Written works of L. Ron Hubbard

Frederik Pohl said, "I read 'Battlefield Earth' straight through in one sitting although it's immense... I was fascinated by it." Kevin J. Anderson says, "Battlefield Earth is like a 12-hour 'Indiana Jones' marathon. Non-stop and fast-paced. Every chapter has a big bang-up adventure."