Shozo Hirono (Bunta Sugawara), the protagonist of the first film in the series, has managed to separate from the Yamamori family, create his own small family, and extend his circle of acquaintances.
American Civil War | Vietnam War | American Revolutionary War | Cold War | Iraq War | War of 1812 | Medal of Honor | Spanish Civil War | Korean War | Allies of World War II | English Civil War | Gulf War | Franco-Prussian War | Pacific War | war | Second Boer War | Peninsular War | United States Department of War | Second Sino-Japanese War | Crimean War | Thirty Years' War | Spanish-American War | Trojan War | Union (American Civil War) | French and Indian War | Habitat for Humanity | War Office | Falklands War | Seven Years' War | First Balkan War |
New Battles Without Honor and Humanity also known as Another Battle (2000) (directed by Junji Sakamoto)