
5 unusual facts about Battus III of Cyrene

Battus III of Cyrene

Battus II and Critola were siblings and were children to the second Cyrenaean King Arcesilaus I.

During his reign, Battus realised that Cyrenaica had become an unstable state, from the unstable relations with the Libyans, Egyptian Pharaoh Amasis II and the attempted overthrow of his late father and himself from Learchus.

To further protect Cyrenaica from the Libyans and their aristocracy, Battus made an alliance with the Egyptian Pharaoh Amasis II.

His maternal grandmother was the Cyrenaean Princess Critola, while is maternal grandfather was a Cyrenaean noble whose name is unknown and was murdered by Learchus (a rival to Arcesilaus II) in 550 BC.

Battus was the son and only child of Cyrenaean King Arcesilaus II and Cyrenaean Queen Eryxo.

see also