
2 unusual facts about Baxandall


Lee Baxandall (January 26, 1935 - November 28, 2008), American writer, editor and critic, and a leader of the naturist movement

Michael Baxandall (August 18, 1933 – August 12, 2008), British-born art historian, professor of Art History at the University of California, and curator at the Victoria and Albert Museum

Lee Baxandall

In 1995, Baxandall was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and he retired from public life from 2002 until his death on November 28, 2008.

Baxandall's writing appeared in a wide variety of venues, from left-wing periodicals such as The Nation, New Politics, The National Guardian, and Liberation, to mainstream publications including The New York Times and intellectual-cultural outlets such as Partisan Review, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, and New German Critique.

Peter Baxandall

He is probably best known for what is now called the Baxandall tone control circuit, first published in a paper in Wireless World.

see also